
Fall Brewfest Fundraiser Set for October 27

September 7th, 2018 News and Events

Fall Brewfest at Washington Crossing Historic Park

To some, beer and cider drinking are seasonal activities, which makes the woods overlooking the Delaware River an ideal setting for the Washington Crossing Fall Brewfest.

Come Saturday, October 27, the surrounding foliage should be a canopy of vivid yellows, oranges and reds. As fallen leaves crunch underfoot, peaty woodsmoke from nearby fires will add a hint of warmth to the crisp air. It’s practically a live-action Pinterest board for craft beer fans.

“To enhance that effect, we intentionally sell fewer tickets than we do for the Spring Brewfest,” says Glenn Blakely, Fall Brewfest co-organizer and a member of the Friends of Washington Crossing Park Board of Directors. “It fosters an atmosphere that feels a little more intimate, so that by the end of the afternoon, everyone kind of feels like they know each other.”

The Brewfest, held between 12:30 and 4:30 PM, will feature more than 100 varieties of pumpkin beers, harvest ales, sour beers, and ciders from dozens of regional and national breweries.

And they’ll be grouped by kind, so you’ll be able to skip past an entire section and spend more time exploring your favorites. (This is a sampling event, so the pours will run no more than two ounces.)

An afternoon of drinking beer can stir a mighty appetite, so there will be food, too. And not a smattering of generic bar snacks. Top-shelf beer deserves gourmet foodstuffs, including Slider KingThe Good Donut ShopThe Cow and the CurdWow WagonTim’s Barbecue Truck, and JustFood.

Tickets are only available here and will not be sold at the gate. All attendees must be at least 21 to enter and have a valid photo ID. No babies, children or pets will be admitted.

The Brewfest is organized by the Friends of Washington Crossing Park. All proceeds will support educational programming and the ongoing preservation work led by the Friends of Washington Crossing Park.