
Continuing an Ancestral Legacy of Fife & Drum

June 17th, 2022 History


From the First Crossing to our annual Memorial Day Ceremony, the volunteers of the Fife & Drum Corps bring both music and history to events at Washington Crossing Historic Park. Drummer Micah Goldsberry shares why he joined the Fife & Drum Corps and his experience as a volunteer.

“In 2020, my brother and I launched a genealogy research project to see if we had any ancestors from the American Revolution. Sure enough we found one and were able to prove the lineage; our 6th great grandfather was a Hessian drummer who served in the 3rd English Waldeck regiment. He was injured and captured near Elizabethtown, NJ on January 6, 1777, and deserted his original unit to join a Virginia regiment of the Continental Army. It was all so interesting that my brother and I both joined The Sons of the American Revolution – I joined the Washington Crossing chapter while my brother joined a chapter back home in Tennessee. I was speaking to a Marbleheader after one of our meetings and he told me about the Fife and Drum Corps at Washington Crossing Historic Park. I played percussion and was in the marching band in high school, so I was very interested. I joined the Corps in September 2021 and have already participated in more than 10 events.

Words cannot describe how excited I was to participate in the First Crossing reenactment. Not only did I get to cross in a boat, I got to cross in the number one boat with General George Washington. My two young children really enjoyed watching me as well.

Volunteering with the Corps really ties me to my family’s history, and I enjoy being able to educate and entertain the public. Guests and visitors are very appreciative, thanking us and taking pictures. I also enjoy the comradery with the other Corps members and the challenge of learning the music. Practices are held twice per week and members come whenever they can. The requirement is that you are able to learn and memorize the music. We also practice marching and other details necessary for the events we participate in such as the Crossing reenactment, Memorial Day ceremony, Independence Day celebration, and various parades.”

To learn more about joining the Fife & Drum Corps or volunteering at Washington Crossing Historic Park visit: https://www.washingtoncrossingpark.org/about/volunteer/